Whispers in the Warehouse 0.4.0

Patch 0.4.0


- Added cutscenes for the intro, powering the generator, and death

- Increased max sprint duration from 4 to 5s

- Decreased stamina recharge cooldown from 2 to 1.5s

- Lurkers and Angels have had their movement speed increased slightly


- Added lights to the warehouse for when the generator is powered on

- Fixed the bottom of the generator room door


- Added generator SFX (adding fuel, button pressed, generator powered, ventilation powered)

- Added flashlight SFX (on, off, picked up, thud)

- Added wrench SFX (repairing, picked up, thud)

- Added fuel can SFX (picked up, thud)

- Added keys SFX (unlocking, picked up, thud)

- Added forklift SFX (idle, moving, lights flickering)

- Added randomized footstep SFX

- Added enemy movement SFX

- Added Clone spawning SFX

- Added generator room light SFX

- Added 9 other SFX that can be heard in the cutscenes

To get the new version, you will have to re-download the game.


Whispers In The Warehouse 0.4.0 1.1 GB
68 days ago

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